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he clouds of earth roil and burst with lightening.  The voice of Authority speaks of condemnation, anger, retribution, and punishment in words unknowable to unheavenly ears.  The face of the world trembles with fear and the beasts, birds, and creatures of the seas flee in every direction in a futile effort to escape.  A turmoil of lightening and destruction gathers and the light of eternal fire forms, and is cast down from the clouds; this sphere of Godly fire blasts through the heating atmosphere toward the land.  Blinding fire of oranges, yellows, blues, and reds streaks across the sky billowing black smoke and noxious fumes heretofore unknown among the planets.  A trail of flame and smoke makes a comet’s tail behind the speeding fireball.  Supersonic sound shrieks in the ears of every living thing as it races the light of inferno.  The gases of the exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, glow with ignition as the ball travels swiftly through.

 The fireball strikes the terrain and bursts through the soil to create a deep hole.  The smoke and flame clear, and at the bottom of this hole lies a beautiful, winged male, black as soot, black as midnight; his race is indeterminate, and though clearly male with a perfect physic , he is sexless.  He is dazed by the impact.

The dazed man looks up sees an identical fireball headed toward the pit, he scrambles aside and the ball hits with great force and the pit is made significantly deeper.  Again as the blaze and smoke clear there is another winged male, black, gorgeous, and sexless.

A hail of fireballs begins to fall one after another, each in its turn deepening the pit, and depositing a black, winged male.  Within the next few minutes tens of thousands of the blazing orbs are cast from the heavenly clouds and strike the same cavity deepening it and filling it with the black, winged men.

Suddenly a final globe hits and the crater is now filled with these men.  There is confusion among the men and they scream, accuse, grapple and fight with one another.  Each man is more beautiful and physically faultless than the next, but chaos reigns within their ranks.

The clouds above grow sinister and menacing.  The lightening increases, making the sky a web of electricity illuminating the clouds.  Two figures seem to be visible in the havoc.  One is greater than the other, with the lesser tries to attack the greater.  Though shrouded in dark storm clouds, both figures are unmistakably male.

The grand voice is heard again, much louder this time; still its words cannot be deciphered.  The minor figure again attacks the greater and is summarily subdued.  The larger figure raises the other above his head and the defeated becomes the largest fireball yet.  The victor swells in size and becomes massive beyond belief.  His size obscures first the earthly sky, then the stars and planets of the universe.  He recoils and casts the sphere of fire through space into the erupting clouds and toward earth.  Its trajectory is the same as the previous, smaller fireballs as it heads for the crater filled with the winged men.  The men scramble as if for their lives to escape the falling threat. 

The fireball screeches its course across the sky with unbelievable volume.  The firmament below bursts into flame and the animals scatter to escape, however, many do not, and explode into running flashes of fire.  Havoc prevails as the flaming balls comes ever closer to earth.  Finally it strikes the vast crater with a sound and force such as has never been imagined.  The entire planet shakes, mountains crumble, oceans rise in waves of destruction, great chasms open and consume everything in their wake.  The winds increase and form tornadoes and hurricanes that cover the land and sea.  The entire planet is in a state of pandemonium. 

The fireball drills its way deeper and deeper, blasting earth and flame in all directions.  The fleeing winged men are enveloped and rise in the flame flailing with agony.  The inferno finally ruptures through the mantel and falls into a vast cavern.   As the flame and smoke begin to burn themselves out a figure rises from the conflagration.  It is a winged man, white as innocence.  He is sexless like the others, but his beauty is beyond belief.  His height dwarfs the cavern.  His angry face is angelic in its magnificence, his body is excellence personified.  Every muscle ripples as he rises up from the still erupting flames.  All around him fall the living bodies of the black, winged men.  They rain down like a petulance of fleas around the immense figure of white; thousands upon thousands fill the cavern making a writhing mass of black on the rocky floor.  They squirm and crawl like black scorpions in a barrel.  

The white man is many time bigger than the black ones; he raises his fists to the heavens and rages in anger and defeat.  His attractive mouth opens releasing a tirade of evil and disturbing cries.  The earth around him quakes from the sound.  As he rages, the tunnel through which he and the others have traveled begins to close.  It seals like a wound and the surface is restored to its prior state, as if this heinous occurrence had never been.

The white man continues to display his fury.  As he raves his body crackles, and begins to shiver.  Beginning with his toes white retreats and black grows.  The blackness of him defies understanding as it seems to be a blackness that consumes everything it touches.  It rises up his feet, up his perfect legs, and across his rippled torso, and finally his face.  His beauty remains in his new blackened state.  His wings flutter and his scream redoubles in volume. 

All the surrounding men are now on their feet facing the metamorphosing figure.  All of their wings begin to shimmer and beat in time with the larger man.  As they grow in speed the feathers dissolve away and their wings become those of bats.

The immense  one’s screech grows even louder and forms the word “Hell.”  At the same time his crotch bursts into flames and like a phoenix a grotesquely large penis and scrotum erupt.   The member consumes the flame then begins to spray a stream of hell fire.  Its owner directs the river of combustion onto the surrounding hoard as if he had a bladder filled with fire. 

The men shriek in pain and as they become enveloped in the inferno.  The blaze of pain becomes exciting and they begin to dance and revel in the pleasure of their pain.  They dance a jazz macabre, circling the largest man.  As the dance become bedlam, the figures begin to twist and develop into misshapen and monstrous things.  Their teeth curl and entwine, their bodies bend and develop hideousness deformities.  Every inch that once was perfect in its beauty is now destroyed and deformed. 

The center figure throws back his head and opens his mouth with a roar.  His teeth become those of a wild dog, sharp and glistening, dripping saliva of blood. 

“I am Lucifer, the prince of light become the ruler of darkness.  Cower before me!”  He bellows to his tremble minions.

The writhing masses stop dancing, and grovel on their bellies before Lucifer.

“I am the destroyer of worlds.  I am the usurper of power.  I am the damnation of all.  I am death eternal.”  He screams his words in such rage that even the rocks cower.  “I am the end of the world and I will devour every living thing and make an end to this miserable planet of men and corrupt the very heaven of God’s creation.  Beware my touch, tremble in my presence, betray me at your peril.”

Lucifer gestures at the endless grotto that surrounds him and the very rocks burst into flame and crackle with heat.  Rivers and waterfalls of lava begin to flow.  Hell is born before the eyes of his angels.  The heat ripples in the air as walls, ceiling and floor are a mass of fire.  Lucifer laughs a cackle of death.

As Lucifer begins to move he steps on heaps of the smaller angels.  Their bodies pop and ooze a thick, bile green liquid.  The enormous black angel’s foot slides in the mess and he loses his balance.

“Shit, fuck,” he screams as his massive bulk drops in a heap like a bunch of broccoli, smashing thousands of his followers.  As the echo of his fall ends Lucifer raises his head seeing the mess he has made.  “Crap!”

One of the surviving angels, his lower half trapped below Lucifer’s ass looks up and says, “Destroyer of worlds . . ..  Right.”

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